Use of the Certification Logo
The Certified Sustainable Seafood Collaborative RFM Logo is available for those who satisfy the Chain of Custody requirements, and would like to demonstrate traceability and make a certification claim. In contrast to other sustainable seafood certification programs, there is no logo licensing fee for using the RFM logo.
RFM recognizes the power of origin for motivating purchase, which is why a fishery can include it in the RFM logo. Whether it’s Alaska, Washington or any other origin, the RFM logo tells the story consumers desire – to know where their food comes from. Other certification programs don’t include origin in their logos.

Certification vs. Non-Certification Logos
Knowing when to use the RFM logo is simple. If you want to make a certification claim on your product or packaging, you must have Chain of Custody and then you can use the RFM logo on your products.

The Certified Sustainable corporate RFM logo and the Alaska RFM and U.S.A. RFM logos are trademarked and owned by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) on behalf of the Certified Seafood Collaborative (CSC) Foundation Board and is only released to organizations or individuals that have completed the Chain of Custody audit process and have a written agreement with the CSC. Unauthorized use is prohibited and will be treated as a trademark breach.
The purpose of the certification logo is to guarantee buyers and consumers of those seafood products that the products originate from certified responsible fisheries.
RFM Chain of Custody Certification Stakeholders that have obtained the RFM Chain of Custody Certification can apply to the CSC for the right to use the certification logo or statement for marketing purposes. To apply, please complete the application form and submit.
Download the Certified Sustainable RFM logos and Claims Terms & Conditions
Download the Certified Sustainable RFM logo and Claim Brandmark Standards

Report Misuse
If you know of a case where the Certified Sustainable RFM logo is being misused, please let us know.