The RFM Standards are reviewed annually as a matter of process and procedure. At a minimum, there will be a full review and/or reissue every five years.
Version 2.2
The RFM Fishery Standard Version 2.2 is a reissue of Version 2.1 reflecting that the scope changed from North American fisheries operating within the U.S. and Canadian 200 nm EEZ to an INTERNATIONAL scope for fisheries from around the world. Version 2.2 replaces Version 2.1.
Version 2.1
The RFM Fishery Standard Version 2.1 is a reissue of Version 2.0 reflecting that the scope is changing from Alaska only fisheries to North American fisheries operating within the U.S. and Canadian 200 nm EEZ. For reference, you can find Version 2.0 in the Archive file on this page
Scoring Guidance for V2.0 (This guidance is currently being revised for V2.1, for now please use V2.0 Scoring Guidance)
Data Deficient Fisheries Scoring Guidance V2.0 (This guidance is currently being revised for V2.1, for now please use V2.0 Scoring Guidance for Data Deficient Fisheries.)
Version 2.0
Version 1.3
Data Deficient Fisheries Scoring Guidance for V1.3
Version 1.2
Certified Fisheries can choose to use the new V1.3 Standard immediately but will be given a period of at least three years to come into compliance with revised fishery standard V1.3. Surveillance audits for existing certified fisheries will continue to be against RFM V1.2 (the outgoing standard) until January 2019 unless the Fishery specifically requests an assessment against the new RFM V1.3 Standard.