Stakeholder involvement Process in the rfm certification program
Who Are Stakeholders?
An individual or group of individuals, whether at institutional or personal level, who has ‘formally registered’ an interest or claim with an RFM Certification Body (CB) regarding a specific fishery during the assessment process, that has the potential of being impacted by or having an impact on a given activity. This interest or claim can be stated or implied and direct or indirect. Stakeholders and stakeholder groups can be at the household, community, local, regional, national, or international levels.
Stakeholders have the opportunity to get involved via
- Comments on the Standards or Program – to CSC
- Comments on the Assessment of Fisheries – to Certification Bodies (CBs)
Stakeholder Input Applicable to the Standard Owner/CSC
Comments related to RFM Standards or RFM Program Management go to the Standard owner, the Certified Seafood Collaborative, by submitting online in the Comments, Appeals and Complaints section. CSC has planned Official Public Comment Periods for the Standards; however Stakeholders are welcome to submit information to CSC at any time about the Standard or Program Management. The information will be reviewed for eligibility and forwarded to relevant parties.
Stakeholders Input Applicable to the CB
Comments regarding fishery certification, re-certification, annual surveillance audits or a specific fishery go directly to the relevant Certification Body (CB). Interested stakeholders can register for comment with the appropriate CB – please refer to the individual fishery assessment notifications and certification reports to identify the CB.
Comments and information relevant to Standards received outside of official Public Comment periods will be held by CSC until the Standards review activity commences.
Eligibility Criteria For Submissions to Standard Owner
Eligible submissions must meet the following requirements:
- Submissions must have an objective basis, supported by evidence and specific to the RFM Fishery Standard or RFM Chain of Custody Standard
- Submissions must contain the name and contact details of the submitting entity or person and their relationship with the fishery subject to the submission.
- Submissions must contain the name and contact details of the submitting entity or person and their relationship with the fishery subject to the submission.
- Submissions must be made on the official submission form. Submitted material that is not accompanied with the official submission form will not be eligible for assessment purposes.