Consultation Archives

Version 2.0 Consultation

On June 6, 2016 the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) opened a 60-Day
Public Consultation on the Alaska Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Fisheries Standard (Version 2.0) and Scoring Guidance for Version 2.0. ASMI accepted comments from June 6, 2016 through end of the day August 4, 2016.

Two submissions were received by ASMI as a result of the Public Consultation process. Each public comment submitted was assessed and reviewed by the RFM Fisheries Standard Committee (FSC) during a formal two-day meeting in September 2016. Each public comment along with the FSC responses and recommended actions/decisions are incorporated in the following Excel spreadsheets. Details of the FSC membership and Terms of Reference can be found on the Governance page.

Version 1.2 Consultation

On December 3, 2014 the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) Opened
Public Consultation on the Alaska Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Conformance Criteria, (Version 1.2, September 2011).
ASMI accepted comments from December 3, 2014 through end of the day February 10, 2015.

The Public Comment Period is Now Closed.

Open Public Comment Process and Response Process

Dec 2014-Sept 2015

The RFM Public Comment Process

On December 3, 2014 the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) Opened Public Consultation on the Alaska Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Conformance Criteria, (Version 1.2, September 2011). ASMI accepted comments from December 3, 2014 through to the end of the day on February 10, 2015.

Four submissions were received by ASMI as a result of the Public Consultation Process. These submissions were in the format of letters with numerous comments within each.

The Conformance Criteria Committee responses and their recommended actions and decisions to date are incorporated within the following Excel spreadsheet:

RFM Conformance Criteria Committee response to public comments.

The RFM Comments Review Process

To process the comments in a logical manner, each of the points made in each letter were transferred to an excel spreadsheet and uniquely numbered.  This spreadsheet is composed of a set of tabs, one for each submission letter, which describes the detail and classification of each comment received.

Each comment was then reviewed by the RFM Conformance Criteria Committee at a formal two-day meeting in May 2015.

Comment types were categorized as follows:

  • CC Wording
  • Governance
  • Certification
  • Scoring
  • Suggestions for inclusion

The Conformance Criteria Committee assessed each comment and applied changes using the following classification:

  • ASMI Website Update;
  • V 1.3 RFM Standard (Oct 2015);
  • V 1.3 RFM Scoring Guidance;
  • Consideration in future Version 2 RFM Standard

The RFM Comments Action Process

As a result of this public consultation process and feedback from industry stakeholders the RFM Conformance Criteria and Scoring Documents Version 1.2 have now been subject to a minor review process from June 2015-September 2015. The RFM Conformance Criteria Committee took the opportunity to ensure that a number of the accepted comments were acted upon during this time which has resulted in the formulation of the Alaska Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Conformance Criteria, Version 1.3, which was approved by the ASMI Board on November 30, 2015.

The RFM Standard will be subject to a full review and incorporation of any major changes from December 2015 to Sept 2016. The remaining comments resulting from this consultation will be discussed and acted upon, where feasible, by their incorporation into a new enhanced Version 2 of the Alaska RFM Standard.

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