fisheries standard

Version 2.2 Standard

Fisheries Standard Version 2.2 | Issued: October 2024 | Effective: October 1, 2024

Scoring Guidance | Issued: October 2024 | Effective: October 1, 2024

Certified Fisheries can choose to use the new V2.2 Standard immediately but will be given a period of at least three years to come into compliance with revised fishery standard V2.2. Surveillance audits for existing certified fisheries will be against RFM V2.2 or 1.3 (the outgoing standard) unless the Fishery specifically requests an assessment against the new RFM V2.2 Standard.

Version 2.1 Standard

RFM Fisheries Standard Version 2.1 is a reissue of Version 2.0 reflecting that the scope changed from Alaska only fisheries to North American fisheries operating within the U.S. and Canadian 200 NM EEZ. Version 2.1 achieved GSSI recognition on June 30, 2023.

Letter of Temporary Variance | Updated: September 2021

Fisheries Standard Version 2.1 | Issued: September 2020 | Effective: October 1, 2020

Scoring Guidance | Issued: October 2024| Effective: October 1, 2024

Data Deficient Fisheries Scoring Guidance

How the RFM Fishery Standard was Developed and What’s New:

The RFM Standard has been in existence since 2010 and is now on Fishery Standard Version 2.2. Version 2.0 went through substantial changes and Version 2.2 and 2.1 are simply a reissue of Version 2.0, reflecting change in scopes.

The RFM Fisheries Standard V 2.0 included many substantial changes, adding depth and robustness to the RFM Certification Program. Revisions are based on needs for improvements and required components of Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) global benchmark tool.

In summary, the changes and improvements to RFM Fisheries Standard V 2.0 (which are reflected in V 2.2 and 2.1) include:

  • Rewording of complex clauses;
  • General housekeeping and restructuring;
  • Fusion of clauses with overlapping requirements;
  • Arranging 6 Key Principles for evaluating fisheries into 4 Key Sections;
  • Inclusion of specific metrics and indicators;
  • Improved specificity of some clauses (e.g. stock status, ecosystem components, etc…);
  • Review of additional FAO documentation and related inclusion of some clauses;
  • Scoring and Guidance document improvements;
  • Development of an addendum and framework for Data Deficient Fisheries assessments;
  • Modification of the scoring matrix from a descriptive to a numerical system

The certification process of client fisheries wishing to be assessed against the latest RFM Version 2.2 standard follows the same process to fisheries certified to RFM Version 2.1/1.3 and will remain in full compliance with ISO 17065 accreditation requirements for the operation of a certification program.

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